Friday, January 14, 2011

Anul Nou pe Vechi

The other day was Old New Year's Eve, according to the Eastern Orthodox calendar. I had the pleasure of being invited to a celebration at the Concordia Center in my village. Concordia is another NGO in my village that provides housing for elderly in the area, a meals on wheels program and programming for children. Concordia serves over 200 people in the Tudora community and has thirty-six other facilities in Moldova that serve communities in a similar way. I hope to start volunteering soon at the center in my village at least once a week.

The celebration consisted of copious amounts of singing, throwing of dried corn (to wish you luck in the new year), plays depicting a resurrected goat and dancing grandmothers or babushki as they are referred to here. All this was captured in my video, enjoy and Happy New Year! Here is the link to my video, sorry it is somewhere else, for some reason it just would not upload to my blogger page:

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